Top Virtual Reality App Development Company in New York
Are you looking for a professional virtual reality app development company in New York City? Skipfour is a top virtual reality (vr) company with a seasoned team of innovators who blend virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) to create immersive experiences for your customers. Skipfour is one of the top VR app development company in New York that offers full spectrum VR services on most of the popular platforms including HTC Vive, Oculus, Hololens, PS VR among others.
The barrier between people and devices is quickly disappearing. We’ve moved from using keyboards to interacting with touch screen interfaces to communicating directly with software. Many of these new immersive and intuitive user experiences are a result of AR/VR technology.
Statistics show that augmented reality and virtual reality have rapidly advanced beyond entertainment and gaming to play an important role in industries including healthcare, retail, marketing, real estate, and construction.
Skipfour offers end-to-end services for creating top-tier augmented and virtual reality experiences. From product strategy to design, development to testing, our virtual realty developers in New York City push the boundaries of imagination and technology. We get that AR/VR is one piece of your strategy: whether it’s for industrial, commercial, or internal initiatives, you’ll get the most out of AR/VR when it’s being utilized strategically.
The Future of Virtual Reality
From headsets taking the simple form of sunglasses, experiencing what life on Mars would really be like and being able to overcome some of your biggest phobias and fears, VR is set to transform the world as we know it. Question is, are you ready?

In just two years time, technology will be able to create an experience for humans where we are unable to tell the difference between the virtual and real world, with the merging of augmented reality and VR.
Michael Abrash, the Oculus chief scientists who made this prediction states the challenges of reconstructing the real world, and states that augmented VR will be an integral part of virtual reality. Abrash also expresses that merging these will see a technology that is used for longer and many more uses than it can be today. Whilst more work needs to be done, Abrash is confident that a technology will emerge where the boundary between virtual reality and real life will be far more blurred and unclear.’
We are currently living in the midst of a space race to Mars between some of the world’s most famous billionaires such as Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos, who are all determined to take humans in to space first and eventually reaching Mars. But with ticket prices reaching astronomical amounts, the majority of us won’t be taking one of these flights.
Fortunately for us, virtual reality will be able to provide the experience many of us would love, allowing us to see what life on Mars is really like. Not only is this a great alternative, for those of us that cannot afford a real ticket to this red planet, this technology will also be greatly beneficial for those working in the space industry wanting to use it for training purposes. Virtual reality’s help to experience life on Mars will also allow development and research to take place that will help more sustainable human missions.
It’s safe to say that all of us have felt fear at some point in our lives, and for many of us, we have also experienced more irrational fears such as being scared of harmless spiders or clowns at birthday parties. Fears that turn into phobias can have a severe impact on your mental health in particular and are something that people suffer with on a day-to-day basis.
By 2030, virtual reality is set to help the healthcare industry help people manage and overcome these fears. VR will be able to virtually transport the patient into a conflict situation so they are facing the exact thing they are so desperate to avoid. This will be greatly beneficial to both the medical industry and the patient, by considerably helping people manage their fears and eventually overcoming them.
Online shopping has risen by staggering amounts over the last decade, which comes as no surprise as people can do their clothes shopping from the comfort of their own home. One of the current disadvantages of online retail shopping is buying something that doesn’t fit or simply doesn’t look right, but virtual reality is set to remove this altogether. By 2050, the high street is set to be replaced with consumers able to try on clothes in virtual reality changing rooms, where they will be able to see how items fit on them as well as being advised by AI shop assistants that can cater to your tastes exactly. In your lifetime, you will have your own virtual shopping assistant.
Are you ready for a more virtual world in the next 50 years?